How do I find the SIC or Standard Industrial Classification code or NAICS or North American Industrial Classification System code for a product or service?
S.I.C. or Standard Industrial Classification codes are 4 digit numbers assigned to either goods produced or services that a company offers. N.A.I.C.S. (North American Industrial Classification System) codes are 6 digit numbers which are assigned to either goods a company produces or services that it offers. A company may have multiple SIC or NAICS codes, but only one primary code. (The main business that the company is in.)
- Standard Industrial Classification Codes (S.I.C. Codes) (Search for codes by text or 4-digit #)
- North American Industrial Classification System Codes. (Search for codes by text or 6-digit #)
- How to Find the SIC (Standard Industrial Classification Code) for an Industry (video)
- How to Find the NAICS (North American Industrial Classification System) codes for an Industry (video)
- How to Find Comparable Companies Using Nexis Uni (video)